Initial Consultation and First Workout
Interested in trying out a slow-motion high-intensity strength training workout? This is for you! During this initial session we will discuss your health and exercise history and goals for exercise and then you will be coached through a full workout so you can experience The Workout Revolution for yourself. This initial session lasts approximately 60 minutes and will give you a great introduction into this safe, time efficient and effective strength training technique. Regular price is $145. New Clients receive $50 off and can book through the link below for $95.

Initial Consultation + 3 Workouts
Interested in trying out a slow-motion high-intensity strength training workout and want some extra value? This is for you! This package includes the Initial Consultation and First Workout (where we will discuss your health and exercise history and goals for exercise and then you will be coached through a full workout) as well as two follow up workouts. The Initial Consultation plus the first workout lasts approximately 60 minutes and the two follow up workouts last approximately 25 minutes each. Regular price is $299. New Clients receive $50 off and can book through the link below for $249.